CRISPR/Cas9 and genetic screens in malaria parasites: small genomes, big impact.

Ishizaki, T., Hernandez, S., Paoletta, M.S., Sanderson, T. and Bushell, E.S.

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An enhanced toolkit for the generation of knockout and marker-free fluorescent Plasmodium chabaudi.

Marr EJ, Milne RM, Anar B, Girling G, Schwach F, Mooney JP, Nahrendorf W, Spence PJ, Cunningham D, Baker DA, Langhorne J. et al.

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Genome-scale identification of essential metabolic processes for targeting the Plasmodium liver stage.

Stanway RR, Bushell E, Chiappino-Pepe A, Roques M, Sanderson T, Franke-Fayard B, Caldelari R, Golomingi M, Nyonda M, Pandey V, Schwach F. et al.

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Landscape of the Plasmodium interactome reveals both conserved and species-specific functionality.

Hillier C, Pardo M, Yu L, Bushell E, Sanderson T, Metcalf T, Herd C, Anar B, Rayner JC, Billker O, Choudhary JS.

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Complete avian malaria parasite genomes reveal features associated with lineage-specific evolution in birds and mammals.

Böhme U, Otto TD, Cotton JA, Steinbiss S, Sanders M, Oyola SO, Nicot A, Gandon S, Patra KP, Herd C, Bushell E. et al.

Genome research. 2018 Apr 1;28(4):547-60.


Functional profiling of a Plasmodium genome reveals an abundance of essential genes.

Bushell E, Gomes AR, Sanderson T, Anar B, Girling G, Herd C, Metcalf T, Modrzynska K, Schwach F, Martin RE, Mather MW.

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Antibody-independent mechanisms regulate the establishment of chronic Plasmodium infection.

Brugat T, Reid AJ, Lin JW, Cunningham D, Tumwine I, Kushinga G, McLaughlin S, Spence P, Boehme U, Sanders M, Conteh S., Bushell E. et al.

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Palmitoyl transferases have critical roles in the development of mosquito and liver stages of Plasmodium.

Hopp CS, Balaban AE, Bushell ES, Billker O, Rayner JC, Sinnis P.

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A genome-scale vector resource enables high-throughput reverse genetic screening in a malaria parasite.

Gomes AR, Bushell E, Schwach F, Girling G, Anar B, Quail MA, Herd C, Pfander C, Modrzynska K, Rayner JC, Billker O.

Cell host & microbe. 2015 Mar 11;17(3):404-13.


Characterization of P lasmodium developmental transcriptomes in A nopheles gambiae midgut reveals novel regulators of malaria transmission.

Akinosoglou KA, Bushell ES, Ukegbu CV, Schlegelmilch T, Cho JS, Redmond S, Sala K, Christophides GK, Vlachou D.

Cellular microbiology. 2015 Feb;17(2):254-68.


Plasmo GEM, a database supporting a community resource for large-scale experimental genetics in malaria parasites.

Schwach F, Bushell E, Gomes AR, Anar B, Girling G, Herd C, Rayner JC, Billker O.

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A cascade of DNA-binding proteins for sexual commitment and development in Plasmodium.

Sinha A, Hughes KR, Modrzynska KK, Otto TD, Pfander C, Dickens NJ, Religa AA, Bushell E, Graham AL, Cameron R, Kafsack BF.

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Global analysis of apicomplexan protein S‐acyl transferases reveals an enzyme essential for invasion.

Frénal K, Tay CL, Mueller C, Bushell ES, Jia Y, Graindorge A, Billker O, Rayner JC, Soldati‐Favre D.

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Comparative genomics in Chlamydomonas and Plasmodium identifies an ancient nuclear envelope protein family essential for sexual reproduction in protists, fungi, plants, and vertebrates.

Ning J, Otto TD, Pfander C, Schwach F, Brochet M, Bushell E, Goulding D, Sanders M, Lefebvre PA, Pei J, Grishin NV.

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Genetic Susceptibility to the Delayed Sequelae of Neonatal Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection Is MHC Dependent

John S. Tregoning, Yuko Yamaguchi, Belinda Wang, Dagmar Mihm, James A. Harker, Ellen S. C. Bushell, Ming Zheng, Guochun Liao, Gary Peltz and Peter J. M. Openshaw

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Paternal effect of the nuclear formin-like protein MISFIT on Plasmodium development in the mosquito vector.

Bushell ES, Ecker A, Schlegelmilch T, Goulding D, Dougan G, Sinden RE, Christophides GK, Kafatos FC, Vlachou D.

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Reverse genetics screen identifies six proteins important for malaria development in the mosquito.

Ecker A, Bushell ES, Tewari R, Sinden RE.

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The developmental migration of Plasmodium in mosquitoes.

Vlachou, D., Schlegelmilch, T., Runn, E., Mendes, A., & Kafatos, F. C.

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Tetracycline-inducible gene regulation in mycobacteria

Marian C. J. Blokpoel, Helen N. Murphy, Ronan O’Toole, Siouxsie Wiles, Ellen S. C. Runn, Graham R. Stewart, Douglas B. Young, Brian D. Robertson

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